Bay Area
All Strings & Brass
(650) 284-6560
Bay Area Wedding Music
Our Wedding Strings and Brass Bring Elegance to your Special Event or Private Party

Trumpet, Violin, Cello Trio
Trumpet, Flute, Cello Trio

Suggested Wedding Selections
Prelude/Postlude or Reception Music
American Folk Song: Home on the Range
Bach: Et Exultavit from Magnificat
Bach: Sheep May Safely Graze
Bach: Let the Trumpets Sound
Bach: If Thou Be Near
Beethoven: Russian Folk Song
Beethoven: German Dance
Couperin: Carnival Scene
Diabelli: Bagatelle
Dvorak: Largo from Symphony #9
English Folk Song: Scarborough Fair
Gurlitt: The Mill
Haydn: Andante from Trumpet Concerto
Haydn: German Dance
Haydn: Minuet
Handel: Let The Bright Seraphim from Samson
Handel: Piangi Pur from Tolomeo
Handel: Wher'er You Walk from Semele
Marcello: Oboe Concerto
Mozart: Viennese Sonatina
Purcell: Sound The Trumpet
Rameau: Le Lardon (The Joke)
Scottish Folk Song: Loch Lomond
Vivaldi: Allegro from Concerto for two trumpets
Lively Processionals
Beethoven: Ode to Joy
Charpentier: Te Deum
J. Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary
J. Clarke: Fable
J. Clarke: Trumpet Tune
Handel: Arm Ye The Brave from Judas Maccabaeus
Handel: La Rejouissance from Royal Fireworks Music
Handel: The Trumpet Should Sound from The Messiah
Marcello: Psalm 19
Pezel: Sarabande
Purcell: Sound The Trumpet
Vivaldi: Allegro from Concerto for two trumpets
Vivaldi: Gloria In Excelsis from Gloria
Wagner: Bridal Chorus
Y'did Nefesh
Stately Processionals
Bach: Arioso
Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Bach: Pastorale
Bach: Et Exultavit from Magnificat
Bach-Gounod: Ave Maria
Dodi Li
Erev Shel Shoshanim (Evening of the Roses)
Franck: Panis Angelicus
Gluck: Dance of the Blessed Spirits
Handel: March from St. Cecilia
Handel: March from Scipio
Handel: March from Judas Maccabaeus
Handel: Air from the Water Music
MacDowell: To a Wild Rose
Mozart: Wedding March from the Marriage of Figaro
Pachelbel: Canon in D
Schubert: Ave Maria
Turk: Arioso
Wagner: Pilgrim's Chorus from Tannhauser
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto #2 1st mvt.
Bach: Cantata #51
J.C.F. Bach: Dance
Beethoven: Ode to Joy
Charpentier: Te Deum
Larry Clark: Harvest Moon
Clarke: Trumpet Tune
Couperin: Les Moissonneurs ( The Reapers)
Duncombe: Gigue
Handel: Arm Ye The Brave from Judas Maccabaeus
Handel: Finale from Water Music (Hornpipe)
Handel: La Rejouissance from Royal Fireworks Music
Handel: Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah
Handel: The Trumpet Should Sound from The Messiah
Haydn: Quadrille
Marcello: Psalm 19
Mendelssohn: Wedding March (Traditional Recessional)
Mouret: Rondeau
Od Yishama No. 1 and No. 2
Simon Tov
Vivaldi: Allegro from Concerto for two trumpets
Vivaldi: Gloria In Excelsis from Gloria